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Getting Started

The unit testing labs will walk you through some key concepts around unit testing and some of the tools you can use for this.

Estimated time to complete: 1 hour


.NET Core is a cross platform, open-source implementation of the .NET Framework. This enables to developers to build applications for multiple systems as well as deploy different applications with different .NET versions per applications.

For more information about .NET Core, check out the documentation.


Note: Windows users can use the Powershell Command-line, Linux users should use the terminal.

  1. Ensure Visual Studio is installed. 2019 is the latest version at time of creation of this lab.

  2. Visual Studio 2019 comes with .NET Core 3.1 installed and that should be good for the lab.

  3. From the Developer Powershell tab on Visual Studio, run dotnet --version to verify .net version.

  1. If you don't have Visual Studio and would like to use the Git Bash CLI tool, then click this link Git Bash to download it.

  2. Then download .NET Core 3.1

  3. From the command-line, run dotnet --version to verify installation was successful.