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Refactor Terraform

Replace your Terraform resources with a module

For reference, you can find the module itself in TFE here. Note: in the module documentation is a link to the module source code. In the case that the docs are not fully up to date, the code is the source of truth for any fixes you may need to make.

The first thing to note on the page above are the Provision Instructions which will give you a skeleton of the module definition that you need. Edit your file to utilize Cloud Platform's Azure App Service Module. You can look at the Cloud Platform module README for examples, and utilize the Inputs section to determine what is required and what isn't.

In the summary of the module, Cloud Platform states that this module creates both an App Service Plan and an App Service. We will replace our two resource definitions with one module.

Add the required inputs as variables

After you have finished implementing the module in the, you must now update your with the new variables used in the Cloud Platform app-service-Cloud Platform module. You will need all of your variables from before, plus any new required variables introduced by utilizing the new module.

Cloud Platform's documentation outlines the required variables that we need to define for the app service module. Notice the complex appservices map. This large data object has multiple inputs which allow for you to configure the app service to your needs.

Discussion: Do I need to use all the variables listed in TFE? What do the four tag variables do and where do they get their values?

There are no changes to the file so we can leave it as is.

🕑 🕒 🕓 Did you give up trying to copy and format your appservices variable declaration?

Hint: App Service map
variable "appservices" {
  type = map(object({ connectionstrings = list(object({
    connstrname  = string
    connstrtype  = string
    connstrvalue = string
    appsettings = object({})
    sitesettings = object({
      dotnet_framework_version    = string
      min_tls_version             = string
      always_on                   = bool
      ftps_state                  = string
      http2_enabled               = bool
      managed_pipeline_mode       = string
      remote_debugging_enabled    = bool
      remote_debugging_version    = string
      scm_type                    = string
      scm_use_main_ip_restriction = bool
      websockets_enabled          = bool
      default_documents           = list(string)
    generalsettings = object({
      client_affinity_enabled = bool
    managed_identity = object({
      type = string
      id   = list(string)
  description = "The Azure location where all resources should be created"

variable "app_service_size" {
  description = "The Azure App Service Size"
  type        = string

variable "app_service_tier" {
  description = "The Azure App Service Tier"
  type        = string