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Install Dev Tools


.NET Core is a cross platform, open-source implementation of the .NET Framework. This enables to developers to build applications for multiple systems as well as deploy different applications with different .NET versions per applications.

For more information about .NET Core, check out the documentation.


Note: Windows users can use the Powershell Command-line, Linux users should use the terminal.

  1. Ensure Visual Studio is installed. 2019 is the latest version at time of creation of this lab.

  2. Visual Studio 2019 comes with .netcore3.1 installed and that should be good for the lab.

  3. From the Developer Powershell tab on Visual Studio, run dotnet --version to verify .NET is installed.

  1. If you don't have Visual Studio and would like to use the Git Bash CLI tool, then click this link Git Bash to download it.

  2. Then download .NET Core 3.1

  3. From the command-line, run dotnet --version to verify installation was successful.

Edge Web Driver

WebDrivers allow us to create automated UI tests that will simulate user interaction with our web app. Automated UI testing differs from conventional Unit testing in several ways:

  • Simulates user events or system level events accurately
  • Manage multiple windows, tabs, and webpages
  • Configure and access browser functionality not available to Javascript running in browsers
Issue with using Chrome Browser

For now however, using Edge (which is a Chromium-based browser as well) allows for successful connection of Browser and Web Driver which allows us to run our tests. This will be a problem with future pipeline integration. Either the existing Functional Test container will need to support Edge or we will need to resolve local Chrome issues.


Note: Ensure the Edge Web Driver version matches the version you have. We recommend using the 64-bit version. To find your correct build number: Launch Microsoft Edge. Open the Settings and more (...) menu, choose Help and feedback, and then choose About Microsoft Edge. Using the correct version of Microsoft Edge Driver for your build ensures it runs correctly.

  1. Download the Edge Web Driver

  2. If you are using an older version of Edge make sure to install a compatible web driver version.

  3. After the download, create a folder on your C:\ that will be the home to your Edge Web Driver executable (e.g. C:\edge-driver)

  4. Extract the zip file you downloaded and save it in the folder you created in the previous step. Rename it to MicrosoftWebDriver

  5. In the start menu type 'environment' and open the option that says 'Edit the System Environment Variables'

  6. In the new window, click on 'Environment Variables...' and under the 'System Variables' find the one called 'Path' and click edit.

  7. In the new window, click 'New' and add the folder path where you saved the MicrosoftWebDriver.exe (folder you created in previous step)

Make sure to close any existing Git Bash or Powershell windows once you've completed these steps. We've made some changes to our PATH so we'll need fresh shell sessions.